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John Wick 3: Following the Rules
John Wick 3: Parabellum is taking the box office by storm. It overtook Avengers Endgame at the box office and has proven to be one of the...

Resident Evil: Why they work as 'video game' movies.
While finally bringing myself to watch Resident Evil: The Final Chapter on Netflix recently, I noticed something which had strangely gone...

The Trailer as Prologue
I wrote a blog post a while back about the problem with spoiler heavy trailers, and referred specifically to The Girl in the Spider's Web...

Comparing The Avengers and The Justice League
With the recent success of Marvels' Avengers Endgame still a talking point around the water cooler, I thought it might be interesting to...

We've Moved (sort of).
It's been a year since we officially launched The Script Department and a lot has happened in that year. We've built a successful...

The Imitation Game: How to Write Flashbacks
I often get asked about writing flashbacks in screenplays. I know that, for some people, writing flashbacks can be seen as the lazy way...

Understanding Active Questions in Screenwriting: A Guide to Keeping Your Audience Hooked
Active questions act as the backbone of your narrative. They give the audience something to anticipate, keeping them hooked on the story.

2008-2018: My List
If you follow Mark Kermode's blog, you'll know that he recently did his 10 best and worst films of the last ten years. Naturally, it got...

Building Your Own Story Map
Introduction Story structure is such a huge part of screenwriting. There is a resistance to such an emphasis on structure in some...

Inception: Keeping it Simple
A blog title called Inception: Keeping it Simple, might sound like an oxymoron given the incredible complexity of Christopher Nolan's...

How to Write Effective Action Sequences in a Screenplay
| by John Finnegan Crafting action sequences in a screenplay is a common challenge for screenwriters. While it may seem straightforward...

Hannibal: More Important than Silence of the Lambs
I recently wrote a post arguing how Alien 3, one of the least popular Alien films, is actually the most significant entry as far as...

The Girl in the Spider's Web: Plot Heavy Trailers
I'm a big fan of the Lisbeth Salander stories and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is probably one of my favourite books. I love the films...

Alien 3 Explained: A Case for Ellen Ripley’s Greatest Journey
| By John Finnegan “I’m sort of stunned that it is an influential character but I’m delighted, and I can kind of understand it because I...

Writing Relatable Characters: From Final Girls to Norman Bates
Films like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Psycho illustrate how identification is a fluid, powerful tool in storytelling.

Making the Case for why Alien: Covenant is Good | And Why It Deserves a Second Look
In this post, I’ll break down why Alien: Covenant deserves more credit.

Ready Player One: Nostalgia as a Storytelling Device
I don't think I can recall a more enjoyable time in the cinema recently than when I saw Ready Player One earlier this summer. A big...

How to Write a Third Act Climax for Your Movie: Lessons from The Dark Knight
Let’s dive into why third acts are tricky, explore techniques to make them unforgettable, and study The Dark Knight.

Why Original Stories are Important in Cinema: Lessons from Miss Sloane
Original storytelling is a cornerstone of great cinema and a vital practice for screenwriters who wish to craft compelling narratives.

How to Write Dialogue: Rethinking your Approach
| By John Finnegan Students frequently ask me, "How do you write good dialogue?" My response is typically, "What does good dialogue...

Wonder Woman: The Problem with DC Heroes
Wonder Woman was a huge success at the box office and no one can dispute the impact the film has had on our culture. In an industry...

How to Write a Subplot in a Screenplay: Lessons from The Lord of the Rings
| by John Finnegan For fans of Peter Jackson’s original LOTR trilogy, it’s hard not to reminisce about what made those films so...

The Hateful Eight: The Danger of Long Movies
I always get excited by the prospect of a new Tarantino film, and I'm really looking forward to Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. But I've...

Jaws: Telling Stories in Stories
Anybody who has seen Jaws will remember the terrifying story that Robert Shaw's Quint recounts one evening after dinner on his boat. He...
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